Monday, July 20, 2009 - find job using social media like twitter

Anywhere in the internet world you can look for a job. Through search engine or emails, jobs are everywhere. But the problem is where to look for the right job? That's why JobShout is here to help.

JobShout.Com is helping a lot of jobless people find a new job through social media avenues. The idea is pretty simple, jobshout allows the recruiters and employers to post basic free jobs at no cost. And each time the job is posted it is then sent out via twitter and to all jobshouts followers. Uhmmmm…pretty cool!

JobShout is free to use, both employers and job seekers. It is very easy to use and a step-bystep instruction is provided to follow. Once the job is posted, immediately is it tweeted rom JobShout account on Twitter once it is approved. the first posting is manually reviewed to make sure it meets the guidelines. Once approved, posting jobs will be as easy as 1 2 3 with no approval required. There is no registration required but job seekers can sign up for a private profile that will allow them to receive Direct Messages on Twitter when a job is posted that matches their profile.

To learn more visit JobShout.Com.

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